St Mark's United Methodist Church

6422 Santa Fe Drive, Overland Park KS 66202       Email:     913 722 2310

Welcome - Love - Grow - Serve

Worship at St Mark's UMC:

1. Saturday Worship 4 pm - Chapel

2. Sunday Worship at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary

Online worship link: SUNDAY WORSHIP

Record your worship attendance HERE  

Links to recorded services from previous Sundays are provided below.

Read our latest News Update

Santa Fe Waystation Food Pantry

Mondays from 9-11am and 5-7pm Drive through only.

Everyone is welcome.  Click HERE for more information.


Saint Mark's Parents' Day Out Program

has classes for children aged 1 through 5 years.

For more information and to check if there is space available, HERE

Special Events:

  • Sugar Cookie Decorating ClassES

    Each month’s class has different designs and different skills. Big Mouth Baking provides 6 cookies, at least 4 bags of colored frosting, and extra things such as sprinkles or eyes, a placemat to work on, a frosting practice sheet, recipes, and a take home box. Each class is 90 minutes long and suitable for adults (and children over 8) with any level of previous experience.



    Check out: Big Mouth Baking

    Buy tickets at:

  • Youth Mission Trip

    Our students had a great experience of serving, worshipping, sharing

    and having fun together!

    Thanks to the trip leaders and the congregation for their support!

    Encourage your student

    to attend next year!

    Mission Trips are open to St Mark's Youth Group students who have finished 6th grade, through 12 grade.

    Call the church office

    for more information. 913 722 2310

  • Handbell Camp!

    Handbell Camp is open to new and experienced ringers and happens every year in early July. 

    Held at Heartland Center in Parkville, handbell camp is a place to learn,  develop your skills, and have a great time with other handbell ringers. 

    We had a blast in 2023

    Join us for Handbell Camp in 2024

    July 7 - 11, 2024

    Talk to Janet C for more information, 

    or go to handbellcamp.0rg


St Mark's UMC is a proud member of  the Good Faith Network,

a network of 27 faith communities which works for justice

in Johnson County.  

Micah 6:8 is a mandate for all who claim to follow God. 

Churches are traditionally good at "walking humbly" and provide many opportunities for worship and Bible study. 

Most churches do well at "loving mercy" and include many opportunities to be supportive and merciful through things like food pantries and clothing drives.

However, most churches do not do so well at "acting justly" - that is, seeking ways

to change unjust systems, or speaking to people in power about the needs

of those who are marginalized and abandoned by our culture.   

The Good Faith Network gives us the opportunity to join our voices

with many other congregations so that we can be an effective voice for change

in numbers too large to ignore!  

Check out their website: